Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Good Friend

I have been thinking about this topic a lot lately. Already this week I have had two other people I know tell me how they need serious girl-time or a friend. For some, friends are annoying and for other they are a life-line. "Being a good friend is not just about having a good time with others, it's also about how willing you are to put your friends first or point out when they're doing something you don't agree with. Have a read through the following checklist and see how good a friend you really are."

What are your friends to you?

What makes a good friend? This might look different from person to person in definition, but I think there are some things we can all agree on. Are you a good friend?

A friend should be/ the type of friend you should be...
  1. A Good Listenter--Has 2 ears and one SMALL mouth. We all have times when we just need someone to ONLY listen.
  2. Approachable--can go to them when in need
  3. Trustworthy
  4. Doesn't Gossip--keeps secrets and important information to themselves
  5. Selfless--thinks about others before themselves
  6. Honest--can tell you what they really think without offending you (and you can do the same)
  7. Reliable--you can count on them to be there when they should be or when you need them
Let's face it, as a norm, guys just don't get girl stuff. We need girls to talk to, laugh with, shop with, cry with, and grow with. My husband is my ulitmate best friend, but even I need some girl time. There are times when my husband will look at me and say "I just don't get it; I'm sorry." Then, it's time to call in the women!

Harvard and The University of California did a STUDY on friendships and found that "The happiness of our friends is infectious."

The Observer in Europe reported a STUDY done by the University of Leipzig, which found that,
"Friends can be our best weapon in times of adversity, as they strengthen our resolve. One study asked people to rate the gradient of a hill, and anticipate how difficult they would find it to climb. People who rated the hill in the presence of a friend saw the slope as less steep - and the closer they felt to the friend they were with, the easier the climb appeared."

Shilpa Gupta wrote a great article about the Importance of Friendship. Be sure to read it!

I hope this helps you to ask about the kind of friend you are to those around you.

In seeking friends, be open--don't focus on a particular person or group of people (like the popular kids at school) because you could sell yourself short of a great friendship.

Choose wisely! Friends are influencing so don't choose friends who life lives or behave in ways that are contrary to God's Word and your parents' rules. That will not be fruitful, but fruitless.

Pray! Ask God to bring friends into your life and ask Him to teach you and show you how to be a good friend.

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