Chapter Summary
"Kingly men see life as if htey were on a high mountain; they look at the big picture, rather than individual, personal needs." They show little tolerance for those around them who drag their feet, make excuses, or whine about their lot in life. They want to move forward and they have a plan. They usually are people in authority over other people. They typically expect to be waited on hand and foot. When treated with honor and reverence, he will be wonderfully protective and supportive. Most times, the strife is not because the man is cruel or evil, but because he expects obedience, honor, reverence, and he is not getting it. So, he reacts badly.
"His wife must be prepared to give him honor and reverence on a daily basis if she wants him to be a benevolent, honest, strong, and fulfilled man of God." Before marriage, she needs to practice being in subjection to those in authority over her, to practice serving daily with a cheerful heart, look for ways to serve her family, and look for ways to serve within the body of believers (not the fun jobs, but the ones that everyone else passes over). LEARN TO SERVE WITH JOY. "You could be a blessing or a curse to many people by how you relate to your Command Man."
"In subjection" means to put under or subdue to be in obedience, submitting oneself to another; to be enclosed or shut up in one place; to be bound by the law. This phrase also translates to: submit, subject, submitting, obey, obedient, obedience, put under, and subdue.
Moral of the Story
The wife to a King must learn to serve him with honor.
Don't be offended at his lack of serving or helping you in teh mundane things of life.
Your Treasure Chest
* If you marry a King, you will need to keep in mind that he is not trying to lord over you...he is just in the image of a supreme leader.
* Write a committment letter to your King, explaining to yourself the potential problem of having difficulty submitting to your dominant man and how you will respont to it when it arises. Make some real committments!
My Challenge to You
* Is it God's will for a wife to submit to her husband? Should a wife seek understanding from God before she obeys her husband? If a pastor tells a woman to do one thing and her husband tells her to do another, who should she obey?
* Read the scriptures about submitting:
- Philippians 3:21
- Colossians 3:18
- Titus 2:5,9 and 3:1
- Hebrews 12:9
- James 4:7
- 1 Peter 2:13-18
- 1 Peter 3:1,5,22
- 1 Peter 5:5
- 1 Timothy 2:11 and 3:4
The next 3 chapter summaries will be about 3 different types of women. Any thoughts on what they might be or the type of women to be described?? Stay tuned & I will do it as soon as I can.